Saturday, January 01, 2005

It rained in the isle of Capri

At the Piazzetta or square in Capri, Italy Posted by Hello

When I originally tried doing our itinerary for the south of Italy, I had wanted to stay overnight in Capri to be able to see much of the famous island.

However in the course of my research, I stumbled upon the picturesque Positano and no way will I skip that and relegate it to a day trip. In other words, Capri had to be sacrificed. Unfortunately when we arrived, it had been raining as you can see from the photo taken by bebeth. Had to wear my hood to keep my head dry but the rains will not stop us taking photos. You will never know if we can ever return.

We had to hire a cab which turned out to be a rip-off so we can go around, otherwise we get totally drenched. We took a ferry from Sorrento to reach Capri.

The island of Capri, having no natural port, was accessible only from a small beach -probably one of the reasons emperor Tiberius preferred it, but necessity required the building of a port. To the west, at Point Vivara, the ruins of the ancient Roman port, giving direct access to the Imperial Villa of Palazzo a mare, are still visible.

Despite the intermittent rain, I insisted on seeing the Blue Grotto. Had always dreamed of going here for ages and no rain will stop me :) We were able to see it thats for sure, but not riding the traditional boat inside the cave. Apparently the boats are not allowed to ply the waters when weather is not good.

I hope one day we can return here, this time concentrating on the piazzetta and the beatiful Ana Capri.

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